"нанес рану рапирой ценой в два шиллинга" - и так во многих делах. Ну это ладно, но среди рапир у него отмечена кочерга ценой в 2d (не знаю, что за денежка). Этой кочергой жена треснула мужа по лбу "над правым глазом", отчего он помучался с неделю да и помер.
Вообще, там шекспировские страсти в этом деле:
Elizabeth Flower of Stepney , was Indicted for the Murder of Anthony Flower her Husband, on the 3d of April , by giving him one mortal Bruise with a Poker, value 2 d. on the Head near the right Eye, of which he languished to the 9th and died . It appeared, the deceased being arrested for the Prisoner's Brothers Debt, occasioned some Difference between the deceased and the Prisoner, and so enraged the deceased, that he threw a Fire-shovel at her, upon which she retired out of the House for some time, till his Passion might be over; and returning, the deceased threw the Poker at her, which she taking up, threw back at him, by which he received the Wound. But no premeditated Malice appearing, but on the contrary great Love betwixt them; and she being greatly provok'd, she was found guilty of Manslaughter only .