Эвелина От французского женского имени Eveline, происхождение которого неясно (возможно - производная форма от Ève, Ева).
Уменьшительные формы в русском языке (П.):
Эвелина: Эвелинка, Эва, Эля, Веля, Вела, Лина
Известные носители имени
Английский (English)
ж. Evelina (Эвелина), Eveline (Эвелин), Evelyn (Ивлин, Эвелин), уменьшительные - Evie (Иви), Evvie (Ивви), Lina (Лина), Lynn (Линн), Linni, Linnie (Линни)
м. Evelyn (Ивлин, Ивелин)
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Latinate form of AVELINE. It was revived by the author Fanny Burney for the heroine of her first novel 'Evelina' (1778). It is often regarded as a variant of the related name Evelyn.
читать дальшеVARIANTS: Aveline, Avaline (English)
DIMINUTIVES: Lina (English), Lina (Italian)
OTHER LANGUAGES: Avelina (Ancient Germanic), Eveline, Evelien (Dutch), Eveliina (Finnish), Évelyne, Eveline (French), Eibhlín, Eileen, Aileen (Irish), Aileen (Scottish)
Авелин, в свою очередь
From the Norman French form of the Germanic name Avelina, a diminutive of AVILA. The Normans introduced this name to Britain. After the Middle Ages it became rare as an English name, though it persisted in America until the 19th century.
VARIANTS: Eileen, Avaline, Evelina
OTHER LANGUAGES: Avelina (Ancient Germanic), Evelien, Eveline (Dutch), Eveliina (Finnish), Eveline, Évelyne (French), Eibhlín, Eileen, Aileen (Irish), Evelina, Lina (Italian), Aileen (Scottish), Evelina (Swedish)
и Авила, в свою очередь
Derived from the Germanic element avi, of unknown meaning, possibly "desired". This name is also given in honour of the 16th-century mystic Saint Teresa of Ávila, Ávila being the name of the town in Spain where she was born.