На сайте www.kazan.eparhia.ru/imenoslov/d-i_zhen/#I:
Фиалка (греч.).
В святцах упоминается Ия (Евдокия) Римляныня, Персидская.
на сайте www.behindthename.com/submit/name/ia
предложены несколько толкований имени Ия (пока не окончательных)
1. Ancient Greek
for Violet
Other Forms: Ion
2. Short form of the Welsh name Sian comming from the middle two letters
It can also be a name for names containing ia
it is almost always used as a feminine name
3. Meaning unknown. Saint Ia was a 5th-century Cornish virgin martyr, an Irish princess, according to popular tradition, who travelled to Cornwall as a missionary and was martyred on the River Hayle under Tudur Mawr, ruler of Penwith. Ia gave her name to her burial place; St Ia's Church was erected over her grave and around the church grew the town of Porth Ia (later renamed St Ives in honour of a bishop named Ivo or Ive).
This was used by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch for the title character of 'Ia: A Love Story' (1895).
Other Forms: Ea, Eia, Hia (Latin), Hya, Iya, Ya
На сайте www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=1068
Died: 360
Persian martyr, a Greek slave slain for the faith. Ia was so successful in converting Persian woman that she was arrested and tortured by King Shapur II’s forces for several months. She was flogged to death and then beheaded.