02.08.2018 в 18:47
Пишет  Sindani:

02.08.2018 в 17:50
Пишет  Trickster Avariya:

Как императорские пингвины выживают в температурах -40 ° C
Their feathers are densely packed, and have in fact the highest contour feather destiny of any bird, allowing them to maintain a constant body temperature of 38°C in freezing waters.

Depsite previous reports that filoplumes and plumules aka.downy feathers, are absent in penguins, new research has found the presence of both feathers in the penguin’s plumage. It was assumed before this that afterfeathers were the sole insulation component in the penguin’s plumage.
These downy feathers are about four times denser than the afterfeathers of the bird and play a key role in the insulation of penguins.

‘Hidden keys to survival: the type, density, pattern and functional role of emperor penguin body feathers’. Williams C, Hagelin J, Kooyman G. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 21 October 2015. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2033

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