на самом деле, конечно, A Chat with Conan Doyle - интерью, взятое Барром в 1894 году для журнала Айдлер. Интересно, на русский язык кто-нибудь его переводил?
Oh, yes, I do, if it is made interesting. I think the age of fiction is coming-the age when religious and social and political changes will all be effected by means of a novelist. Look within recent years how much has been done by such books as 'Looking Backward,' or 'Robert Elsmere.' Everybody is educated now, but comparatively few are very educated. To get an idea to penetrate to the masses of the people you must put fiction round it, like sugar round a pill. No statesman and no ecclesiastic will have more influence on public opinion than the novelist of the future will have. If he has strong convictions he will have wonderful facilities for impressing them on others. Still, his first business will always be to interest. If he can't get his sugar right people will refuse his pill.