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От древнееврейского имени לֵאָה (Леа) - возможно, "усталая, изнуренная". В Ветхом Завете Лия - сестра Рахили и жена Иакова.
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From the Hebrew name לֵאָה (Le'ah) which was probably derived from the Hebrew word לְאָה (le'ah) meaning "weary". Alternatively it might derive from a Chaldean name meaning "mistress" or "ruler" in Akkadian. In the Old Testament, Leah is the first wife of Jacob and the mother of seven of his children. Although this name was used by Jews in the Middle Ages, it was not typical as an English Christian name until after the Protestant Reformation, being common among the Puritans.
OTHER LANGUAGES: Leia (Biblical Greek), Lia (Biblical Latin), Lea (Croatian), Lea (Dutch), Lea (Finnish), Léa (French), Lía (Galician), Lea (German), Lia (Italian), Lia (Portuguese), Lea (Scandinavian), Lea (Slovene)
и еще Lia
Short form of ROSALIA
OTHER LANGUAGES: Rozika (Croatian), Zala (Slovene)
В Ngram Viewer я ввела четыре разных вариации этого имени, но в отдельные пункты выносить пока ничего не буду.
На сайте kurufin.ru/html/Translate/lia.html
От древнееврейского имени לֵאָה (Леа) - возможно, "усталая, изнуренная". В Ветхом Завете Лия - сестра Рахили и жена Иакова.
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На сайте www.behindthename.com/name/leah
From the Hebrew name לֵאָה (Le'ah) which was probably derived from the Hebrew word לְאָה (le'ah) meaning "weary". Alternatively it might derive from a Chaldean name meaning "mistress" or "ruler" in Akkadian. In the Old Testament, Leah is the first wife of Jacob and the mother of seven of his children. Although this name was used by Jews in the Middle Ages, it was not typical as an English Christian name until after the Protestant Reformation, being common among the Puritans.
OTHER LANGUAGES: Leia (Biblical Greek), Lia (Biblical Latin), Lea (Croatian), Lea (Dutch), Lea (Finnish), Léa (French), Lía (Galician), Lea (German), Lia (Italian), Lia (Portuguese), Lea (Scandinavian), Lea (Slovene)
и еще Lia
Short form of ROSALIA
OTHER LANGUAGES: Rozika (Croatian), Zala (Slovene)
В Ngram Viewer я ввела четыре разных вариации этого имени, но в отдельные пункты выносить пока ничего не буду.
Вопрос: Какое это имя?
1. очень красивое | 5 | (23.81%) | |
2. красивое | 5 | (23.81%) | |
3. нейтральное | 5 | (23.81%) | |
4. некрасивое | 6 | (28.57%) | |
5. очень некрасивое | 0 | (0%) | |
Всего: | 21 |