
Из Вики
Леонард — мужское имя и фамилия. От древневерхненемецкого levon (лев) и hardu (храбрый).

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Means "brave lion", derived from the Germanic elements levon "lion" and hard "brave, hardy". This was the name of a 5th-century Frankish saint who is the patron of prisoners and horses. The Normans brought this name to England, though it did not become common there until the 19th century.

VARIANTS: Lenard, Lennard (English)
DIMINUTIVES: Len, Lennie, Lenny (English)
OTHER LANGUAGES: Lennart (Finnish), Léonard (French), Lennart, Leonhard (German), Leonardo (History), Leonardo (Italian), Leonardo (Portuguese), Lennart (Scandinavian), Lenart (Slovene), Leonardo (Spanish), Lennie, Lenny (Swedish)

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