Не знаю, как относятся к мечам эти штуки, но красиво ж.

Оригинал взят у в sword-harness

early 7thC, gold glass garne
Gold sword-harness pyramid. Truncated, with the four sloping side panels set with gold and inlaid cloisonné garnet work, the same design being repeated on all four faces. The garnet cells are underlaid with gold foil stamped with a hatched design. The edges and upper corners of the pyramid are set with solid, angled garnets and wedged-shaped blue glass. The flattened square top has chequered blue and red millefiori surrounded by gold edging. Around the base is a band of cloisonné garnet work consisting of short and longer rectangular cells. The square base is of plain gold, and slotted by means of a gold bar running across it, from edge to edge.

British Museum

@темы: история оружия, камешки