Three Chiefs of the Huron Indians, Residing at La Jeune Lorette Near Quebec in their National Costume, Michel Tsioui (Teacheandale), Stanislas Coska (Aharathaha), André Romain (Tsouhahissen). Lithograph after Edward Chatfield (1825). These Huron chiefs wear " chief's outfits " including military-style coats, chief's medals and chiefly headdresses , including one beaver fur hat. Source: Courtesy of Library and Archives Canada, Walter T. Spencer Collection (C- 006042). Â

Three Chiefs of the Huron Indians, Residing at La Jeune Lorette Near Quebec in their National Costume, Michel Tsioui (Teacheandale), Stanislas Coska (Aharathaha), André Romain (Tsouhahissen). Lithograph after Edward Chatfield (1825). These Huron chiefs wear " chief's outfits " including military-style coats, chief's medals and chiefly headdresses , including one beaver fur hat. Source: Courtesy of Library and Archives Canada, Walter T. Spencer Collection (C- 006042).

обратите внимание, одного из гуронов зовут Станислас Коска. А могет быть, Станислав Кошка?
генеалогия Станислава
насколько можно понять, женат был на белой

@темы: картины, имена, индейцы